Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yummy waste

There are many ways to be environmentally friendly. However, would you use biosolids? Biosolids are the materials composed of sewage waste, and yes, our waste is part of it. You might be wondering now, “Human waste is a product used to grow our foods?” Though this is true, it is beneficial to the environment. Many gardeners and farmers have been recycling biosolids for many years now. Even as a fertilizer, biosolids must be treated properly.
Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to biosolids. They are nutrient-rich as they contain many materials such as calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus, and more. All these nutrients are essential for the growth of crop production. It also boots up production of the forests and land that has been weakened. Biosolids are classified by its quality which affects how it is used. With the wastewater treatments, it has made our waters more fresher and cleaner for all living organisms. Biosolids also reduce the need for chemical fertilizers on farms and it also costs less for farmers.
With advantages there is also disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantage would be the health hazards that is associated with the usage of the biosolids. With the accumulation of industrial waste, there is possibilities of the contamination of biosoils. These harmful pollutants can be transferred to our crops and we end up eating it. Another main disadvantage would be the smell. No one know the smell of human waste and sewage material. However, this odour is helpful as it contains plant nutrients that would help the crops.
With these pros and cons and would still go for biosolids. We must be able to see the process for biosolids as it can be infected. It is stirring up some controversy in society but no one sees the benefits of this. It is still gross to be eating your own poop but it is environmentally friendly and is able to help out society better. It is time everyone should know the benefits of biosolids.
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